Your physician has ordered a 24 hour urine specimen for laboratory analysis.
Follow these directions carefully:
- Use the bottle given to you by your physician for collection of the specimen. The first step in the collection process should start between 6am and 8am (before breakfast). Write the exact time you start on the bottle. Empty your bladder and discard this urine. Collect all other urine during the next 24 hour period.
- WARNING: Acids are used as preservatives in the collection bottle. Collect the urine in a clean drinking cup each time and add to the collection bottle. These acids are corrosive if accidentally spilled or contact is made with the skin.
- Urinate at the end of the collection period (next morning) and include this urine in the 24 hour collection.
- The entire urine specimen should be refrigerated during the collection with each specimen added during the 24 hour collection period. Urinate before a bowel movement to eliminate contamination of the specimen.
- Do not add anything except urine to the container and do not discard any urine during this collection period.
- Normal intake of fluids during the collection period is desirable unless otherwise indicated by the physician.
- Transport to your physician’s office as soon as possible after the collection period and keep the specimen cool.
- If the specimen is for a creatinine clearance, you will need your blood drawn when you bring your specimen back.